The attorneys at the Tran Law Firm have extensive experience with business fraud lawsuits. Texas business fraud litigation requires a basic understanding of human nature and law. Each attorney at the Tran Law Firm bring with them unique life and career experiences that allow them to each have unique insight and perspective on of business partnerships, business buy sale agreements, and business contractual arrangements. The perspectives of the business attorneys at the Tran Law Firm and their willingness to invest the necessary time and effort in learning the client’s individual situation in business fraud lawsuits allow them to fully explain the case to a judge and jury in a common sense approach to get the best results.
We have seen it all. We have provided confidential counseling and effective legal representation to many Texas businesses and individuals that have been de-frauded by businesses. The basis for business fraud cases can take place at anytime in the life cycle of a business. From the formation of a business or partnership, through the daily course of business, or the sale or dissolution of a business, misrepresentation and fraud can take place that will damage an individual or business. Business fraud cases often involved contract interpretations. The lawyers at the Tran Law Firm are experienced in analyzing business contracts and representing businesses and individuals in contract disputes.
We have handled disputes involving fraud that occur in the following situations:
- Buy Sell Agreement – Purchase or sale of a business;
- Intellectual property licensing and sales;
- Real Estate Transactions;
- Asset purchase agreements;
- non-disclosure agreements;
- Sale of Securities;
- Shareholder relations;
- Sales commission arrangements;
- Distributor arrangements;
- Supplier/vendor arrangements;
- Employment agreements.
We have a special focus on Buy-Sell Agreements and understand common and complicated scenarios where individuals or companies are denied their portion of interests, shares, and money as part of a business Buy Sell Agreement. Whether it involves a health care company, a doctor’s group, or a manufacturing company, we learn the business, we study the individuals involved, and we apply our well honed legal knowledge behind breach of buy sell agreements in order to obtain favorable results for our clients.