Houston Non-Compete Agreement Lawyers | Texas Non-Compete Agreement | Texas Non-Compete Law
Our Houston Non-Compete Agreement Lawyers have reviewed numerous Texas Non-Compete Agreements in based on Texas Non-Compete Law.
Texas Non-Compete Agreements are enforceable under Texas law or the forum addressed in the non-compete contract. Our Houston Non-Compete Agreement Lawyers can assist you in evaluating your non-compete either before or after you have signed the Texas non-compete agreement. We prefer that you allow us to review it before it is signed so that we can help protect you in the event that your employment terminated. However, we have been successful in limiting or reducing the terms/length of the non-compete after employees have terminated the employment relationship.
Our Houston Non-Compete Agreement Lawyers can also help you challenge the non-compete in court or to defend against your employer’s attempt to enforce the non-compete in either Texas state or federal court.
A Texas Non-Compete Agreement may prohibit you from taking your clients and customers with you when you leave the company. It can also stop you from asking any your fellow employees to join you in a new business venture. It may also prevent you from ever using any of the information that you gained while working for the company.
A Texas Non-Compete Agreement is different than a typical contract and are handled accordingly by the Texas Non-Compete Law. A Texas Non-Compete Agreement prevents employees from competing, thus prevents commerce, competition and free trade. For these reasons, the Texas courts disfavor non-compete agreements and, therefore, require that they be limited to only protect the proprietary and trade secret information of the employer. The non-compete agreement must also be limited in time and geographic scope.
Our Houston non-compete agreement lawyers will conduct a comprehensive review and legal analysis of your non-compete agreement. We will discuss the weaknesses and strength of the agreements and various ways that the non-compete agreement can be challenged. We will also strategize about certain jobs that you can perform without violating the non-compete agreement.